ClearCheckbook Money Manager App for iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad
Have an Apple iOS Device? Now you can download the ClearCheckbook App and have all of your finances right at your fingertips! The ClearCheckbook app is a completely free way to manage your finances from any iOS device with access to the App Store.
- It's completely free!
- View your balances at a glance
- Quickly add and view your transactions
- Ability to manage your accounts and categories
- View your running balances
- Very light weight - loads extremely fast
- Stay logged in to quickly manage your accounts
- Ability to log out for privacy
- Optional PIN / Biometric security
- View and manage bills through the Bill Tracker
- Manage your budgets
- View and manage your reminders and recurring transactions
iOS Screen Shots:

Account Overviews

Transaction Register

Add Transaction


iOS App Help
You can find a full Help / FAQ page that covers how to use the iOS app in our Knowledge Base