ClearCheckbook Money Management
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1,000,000 Transactions and 10,000 Users!

10/26/2007 in ClearCheckbook News
Yes, that's right. ClearCheckbook has now passed the 1 Million transaction point and has over 10,000 active users. This is a great milestone for the site and I would like to say thanks for everyone who uses the site daily and helps spread the word of the site to other people.

The 1,000,000th transaction and 10,000th active user marks were met within about 24 hours of each other, which is great!

V2 is still scheduled to be made live some time on Sunday Night. Again, the site and CheckBot will be taken offline for a little while so we can update the backed database without new information being written. We'll make the transition as quick as possible so you can start using the new version right away.

Thanks again and congrats everyone!

Comments for this post:

Thanks for your hard work, can't wait to see the new =)
by wedgen on Oct 26, 2007
Congrats in such an achievement...i can't wait to see V2 and i know that it will be even better than this one...i tell all my friends about this site...

thank you for the hard work and dedication...

by AFguy74 on Oct 28, 2007
how do i get profit and loss on screen
by BonnaMae1 on Dec 2, 2007
feature request
I might convert my 3 quicken credit card registers over to your online software, because then I don't have to worry about problems with my hard drive wiping out my information. I could use one feature quicken has that I don't think you have yet. On my quicken credit card registers, Quicken subtracts my balance from my total credit allowed to get my "Credit Remaining" which appears under my current balance. Could you please add this feature some time in the future? Thanks!
by BobC on Dec 23, 2007



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