ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Big Improvements and New Features Coming Soon

10/2/2012 in ClearCheckbook News
We've been busy working on a huge amount of updates and tweaks to the site plus a new tool that will help people track who owes them money and who they've borrowed money from.

The updates and tweaks revolve around the way we calculate your Overall and Jived balances. Right now, those balances aren't calculated live each time the page loads. Instead, there is a table in our database that is constantly updated when you add/edit/delete transactions. This table is used to calculate your balances. Some of you might have noticed that occasionally this table gets a little out of balance and requires the clicking of the "Refresh Balances" link. This link goes through and re-calculates the balances and corrects any issues.

Well, we're tired of having that table get out of whack every once in a while so we're doing away with it and the need to refresh your balances. Coming soon, your balances will be calculated on the fly each time the page loads so you can be sure the balances that are displayed are the correct amounts.

We're also optimizing the rest of the site to help improve the responsiveness and load times when you navigate through the site. We've cut the number of database queries on the dashboard page alone to 1/4 what they are right now.

The new feature is a Money Lending Tracker that lets you track who owes you money or who you borrowed money from. This feature has been requested by several users and we believe what we created will work well for your needs.

We're working on finishing the tweaks and making sure there aren't any issues with the new updates and then we'll release all of the above updates. Keep an eye out on the blog to learn when the updates have been launched.

Comments for this post:

Looking forward to the new features!
Thanks for the update.
by twim7693 on Oct 3, 2012
Additional improvement
The Android app works great for a smart phone, but not so great on a Tablet. Please consider optimizing the website for the Android OS tablets. I use a Toshiba Thrive tablet. It can use the android app. But there is a lot of wasted space and the app is simplified. Yet trying to use the website version through the browser, one can tell that the website is not optimized for use with a tablet.
by Benmcelroy on Oct 3, 2012
Android app is outdated
I've been using clearcheckbook for a few years and have recently become a premium member.

I really like clearcheckbook, but Android app is outdated compared to its competitors (which are many!). Also, there is a number of bugs and feature requests for the Android app being reported on the forum that seem to be just ignored. One issue that specifically bothers me is the lack of support of accounts with different currencies.

I do not know how good is the iOS app compared to Android and what is the proportion of users of both, but Android nowadays is the most popular mobile platform and you cannot just ignore this fact. Therefore, giving a low priority to Android app development could be a bad business decision.
I do not want to change clearcheckbook to a service with fancy animations and a GPS-aware Android app, I just want to get things done. I really hope to see updates coming to Android app and I wish all the best to the clearcheckbook team.

Your customer.
by Alexandr on Oct 4, 2012
Good News
Good to see that you are working behind the scenes to improve the site.

Again I'd echo the other comments RE: the Android app - it could do with an update.
by MJRoberts55 on Oct 4, 2012
Iphone and IPad Apps
I love love love your site. My only suggestion is to update the apps to use a numerical pad instead of the keyboard when you need to enter the dollar amount. It goes much faster typing number into a numerical pad instead of the traditional keyboard format.
by elphabamark on Oct 16, 2012



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