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ClearCheckbook Developer API Announcement

10/20/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We're officially announcing the development of the ClearCheckbook API. The ClearCheckbook API will give developers the opportunity to create gadgets, widgets and other applications that interface with ClearCheckbook.

We hope to have a beta version of the API released in the next week or two and are looking for any interested developers to sign up so we can work on testing out the API.

If you're a developer or have experience working with APIs and would like to try out the ClearCheckbook API, please go to our ClearCheckbook Developers page and sign up.

We have also created a forum where developers can talk and discuss the API and potential projects. You can find that on our Forums page.

We look forward to the upcoming possibilities the API will produce!

Comments for this post:

AP Interfaces
Kind of like nic

Site looks like it is coming along well! Seems like Maralyn has been pulling in some folks and Brandon plus Eric are making it hum. I'm not a dev, but i wish you all the best!

I can credit much of my own personal freedom from credit bondage to this site...if SiliconTrance, LLC ever goes public, I'd like to kick in a couple of bucks :-)
by jamesniem on Oct 21, 2009



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