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ClearCheckbook iPhone App Update

5/5/2010 in ClearCheckbook News
Great news for everyone waiting for an iPhone app. Late last week I got in contact with an iPhone developer who signed onto the project. We met today for a status update and he's making some great work. We are meeting again on Sunday to go over some final updates, but we should be submitting the app to the App Store within the next two weeks.

Sorry for the delay in getting this done, but we're almost there.

Comments for this post:

Iphone app features..
I'm very excited...
Can you disclose some features in advance?
by gelmimau on May 6, 2010
It will have the same features as the WebOS app. You can take a look at those features by clicking on the "Palm WebOS App" link under "Mobile" at the bottom of the page.
by Brandon on May 6, 2010
Remember Login
This is fantastic news! One thing I didn't see in the WebOS video - - will the iPhone/iPad app remember your login information, or will you have to enter it each time you launch it? Thank again for such a great service!
by lruhlman on May 6, 2010
Actually looking forward to an IPad app if there will be one. Keep up the good work!
by gmeyer8 on May 12, 2010
iPad version
Please write an iPad version as well as for iPod/iPhone. Thanks in advance!
by M906 on May 12, 2010
so happy!
Thanks Brandon! You are doing a great job with this.
We can't wait for this app. If they don't come out with a
new iPhone this June (most likely will), then I am going
to the Pre Plus on at&t, so I'll get this either way!
So Excited.

-Waylan B.
Abilene, TX
by waynoworlater on May 17, 2010
Looking forward to it
Any more update on when this will show up?
by ctfeet on May 20, 2010
Thanks for the update looking to trying the app once it's available, do you know when this app might be available in the app store?
by sandovalta on May 23, 2010



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