ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook is Managing Over Two Million Transactions!

3/26/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
In yet another milestone for ClearCheckbook, we're proud to announce that we're now managing over 2,000,000 transactions for over 17,800 active users.

Over the last month, the site has seen an average of around 9,000 new transactions and 125 new user registrations each day.

In other news, we also met our donation goal for the month of March with a few days to spare. This is great news! A huge thanks to everyone who took the time to donate this month.

As always, please send in any feature requests or ways to make the site better!

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Minor annoyance. When I am adding a ´Quick Add Entry´ I often click on ´Add New Account´ to complete the transaction instead of ´Add Transaction´. These boxes are a little too close together for guys like me :-) Thanks for the great program.
by samol on Mar 27, 2008
I love the reminders... I am using them to help remember which transactions I add on a bi-monthly basis (evertime I get my paycheck).

The way I use these kind of reminders is to not add a transaction, but put a dollar amount reminder in the title.

Whenever I get paid, I check my balance, pay my bills, and decide how much to transfer to a few different savings accounts. I love the "Hide" button, because I can hide each transaction after I pay it.

What I think would be awesome would be an "Apply Now" button in the reminders section alongside the hide button if a reminder has a transaction associated with it.

Keep up the good work!
by daveandcarisa on Mar 29, 2008
To avoid confusion, in my last comment, I meant to say, I love the hide button because I can hide the REMINDER after I pay it.
by daveandcarisa on Mar 29, 2008
by RBSEAH on May 10, 2008
As someone else there a way to reconcile my check book using I can't find it if there is. I love what does, but untill I can use it to reconcile my checkbook I'm going to also have to keep using my spreadsheet on my computer that keeps track of all my transactions, and reconciles my checkbook. Please ad a reconcile option if one doesn't already exist. This way I won't have to keep updating my bank information on multiple computers.
by weso18 on May 16, 2008
The entire site was built around the ability to reconcile your checkbook and various bank accounts. Simply click the check mark next to any transaction and it will mark that as cleared/balanced/reconciled/etc.

To learn more, click here:
by Brandon on May 16, 2008
Hello. I LOVE Clearcheckbook. I just joined a few weeks ago, and I was able to reconcile my checkbook immediately. I just chose a particular date from my actual bank statement, took the balance as of that date and entered that amount in Clearcheckbook as my 'starting balance,' then began entering all transactions after that date. If you properly use the "jive" feature, your actual check book/bank accounts will be reconciled with Clearcheckbook. I have 2 checking accounts, and since I've been using Clearcheckbook, I haven't used my actual checkbook registers at all. Everything is reconciled properly.
by acooper05 on Jun 25, 2008



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