ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
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ClearCheckbook is now my full-time job

9/21/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
I have officially quit my previous full-time job in an effort to devote all my time into making ClearCheckbook the best money management site available. The first things on my agenda are:
* a visual refresh to the site
* making the site more user friendly (better documentation, more "obvious" ways to do things, etc)
* making the home page more visually appealing and informative
* better budgeting tools
* mobile apps

Now is the time to start submitting and voting on new features for the site. You can do that here:

I'm really looking forward to putting all my effort into the site and hope that everyone will see some great additions and improvements over the upcoming weeks and months.

Comments for this post:

WOW, I'm VERY impressed! That's awesome you make enough off this site to do that. Congrats! We love this site!!!
by geekiemommie on Sep 21, 2009
The site doesn't make enough to even cover my mortgage at this point, lol. I just really want to spend some time working on it and improving it to the point I'm happy with it.
by Brandon on Sep 21, 2009
Sweet!! Great News i guess
Great you will be full time on this. Hopefully you will be able to make more money after you start contributing more hours to it. i always pay for the premium anyway hopefully on day ill be able to get away from excel!!
by jsupame2la on Sep 22, 2009
I love it
Just stumbled upon the site....I am loving it....this could be exactly what we needed to get our finances under control. Looking forward to testing and trying out! My recommendation....keep the basic free forever and drive up the social networking part of it. That will get you attention and eventually sponsors/ads for it. Just gave up a monthly subscription program because well....its an extra cost! And we cant afford too right now.
by danicmeyer on Sep 22, 2009
I am sure it was a tough decision, but thanks for all your work!
by cswroe on Sep 22, 2009
Congratulations Brandon! I took the same chance a few months ago with my small business and it's paying off now! I will soon buy a subscription from ClearCheckbook. Bring on the goodies and updates now!
by jvieira on Sep 23, 2009
Yay! Excellent news
I'm very pleased the site is making enough to devote full time to it. Can't wait to see what's coming.
by luxlioness on Sep 24, 2009
I missed this earlier...
Congratulations Brandon, you're a courageous man :-) Of course, now you can't complain about the boss. <g>
by jamesniem on Sep 25, 2009
I just upgraded to a Premium subscription to help with your efforts. :) Now can you please add a calculator as a gadget to the dashboard?
by jozack42 on Sep 25, 2009
I have been looking for a usable online checkbook program for YEARS but all of them just wanted to download my data from my bank. (The bank doesn't show everything until it all clears.) My husband and I are finally able to share a checking account now. We love your site!
by lrduncan on Sep 25, 2009
have always loved ccb - still do!
hope all works out for you. is ccb your long range employment plan? we love the site - is perfect for my wife and I to share a "checkbook" since she always has the physical one in her purse. we'll do premium more often in support!
by caprater on Sep 29, 2009
Site is Great, Good Luck
It's a great site, good luck with the full time thing.
by johntegg on Sep 30, 2009
Mint just sells for a billion dollars and now you quit your job? I'm guessing you are looking to go the same way as Mint?

I just hope whatever you do, you keep it simple like the site was originally intended for. Its the main reason I keep using it.

Congrats and good luck!!!!
by Scamallite on Sep 30, 2009
Good Luck!!
This is a great site.. and some amazing work has gone through to keep it simple yet effective.. Have seen a few other sites, but CCB clearly has the edge.. All the best n look forward to the rocking updates!!
by sankaran on Oct 1, 2009
Brandon thank you for all you have done to make my finances simple. I love your ingenuity & spread the word to all my stoned ass hippy friends. Just out of curiosity, i recently read a post from february that had noted that there were 2200 active users. Would you happen to have a current updated figure?
by PHishHead on Oct 2, 2009
This is great!
I'm so glad you are able to make this a full time job! I've recommended this site to quite a few friends. I signed up for the 1 year premium account last December and definitely plan on doing so when this one expires. It's helped me stay on top of my finances in a way I could have never imagined - especially the budgeting tool. Thanks to the ability to easily view my spending for the last few months, I've been able to adjust my spending and save enough to cover my entire trip to Europe next Spring. Keep up the great work! Thank you.
by DamienW on Oct 6, 2009
Is there any plans for better prining capabilites?
by wlrobin on Oct 16, 2009
I've been searching for an online tool such as this. I just stumbled on your site this morning and I think I'm going to use it. It's simple and very easy to use! Thanks again :)
by st_mads on Aug 22, 2010



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