ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook Mobile App Updates and Developments

11/26/2012 in ClearCheckbook News
We wanted to keep you in the loop about what we've been working on lately. In 2012 we focused very heavily on making improvements and upgrades to the main website. Unfortunately that meant our mobile apps started to fall behind as far as features and updates went. Well, 2013 is going to be the year of mobile apps. Right now we have apps available for iOS, Android and WebOS. Over the next few months we'll be working heavily on updating our current apps and getting apps out there for Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Symbian devices.

In order to get to that point, we needed to start somewhere. That start is with a huge round of updates we're making to the iOS app. This update we're nearly finished with will be the benchmark we use when updating and creating the other mobile apps.

What does this latest round of updates contain? Well, we've been collecting feedback for quite some time about our apps and we've been working on implementing as much as possible into the app.

Here's what's included in the latest update we're working on finishing now:
  • Improved Navigation (easier access to adding transactions)
  • User selectable start page
  • Jive Mode (to make it easier to jive transactions from your mobile device)
  • Running Balances (for premium members)
  • Adding transactions offline (to sync up later)

Again, we've been using the iOS app to set the standard that all of the other mobile apps will need to follow. We're not saying the iOS app is going to be 100% perfect after this update, but it will be considerably more reliable and easier to use.

Here are some screenshots of the iOS app under development right now (click to enlarge):
iOS app - Running Balances iOS app - Select Home Page iOS app - Jive Mode iOS app - Offline Warning iOS app - Sync Transactions

We hope to submit this update to Apple this week. Based on past experience it seems to take about a week for them to approve the app and release it for download. If all goes well, in about 2 weeks you'll be able to install the latest app on your iOS device.

Update (November 28, 2012): The app has been approved by Apple and should be available in the App store for download!

Comments for this post:

Sounds good!
I'm especially glad to hear about the offline transaction feature -- that's probably the primary disappointment I had with my Android app. Also, being able to add new transactions without bringing up the menu sounds like a real improvement to what was already a nice, quick process.

I'll be curious to see how the selectable start page works. On Android, at least, ClearCheckBook always appeared as I last left it, and that never bothered me. (I kind of liked it that way.)

Jive mode sounds really interesting, and may make reconciliation easier. I have previously done this by squeezing two browser windows side-by-side on my laptop -- one for my bank site, one for the CCB Register page -- and jived that way. It involved some annoying scrolling and resizing of the windows, though. I think it may be more convenient to bring up just my bank site on my computer, and Jive on the phone.

I've been using the Android app and the Web site for a few months. It started out as just "seeing if/how it works." I'm beginning to consider ClearCheckBook to be central to my personal finance management.

Thanks for the great work on this service.
by jwhitener on Nov 26, 2012
Thanks for listening. Any ETA on Android release date?
by MJRoberts55 on Nov 28, 2012
Another happy user. I'm looking forward for the Android update.
by rpramos on Nov 28, 2012
Great update
I love the new updates. It has made the navigation within the app much better. Keep up the good work.
by scottsacha on Nov 28, 2012
Great news! Keep up the great work!
We are looking forward to see updates to the Android app.
Please, do not forget the currency conversion bug reported by many
by Alexandr on Nov 29, 2012
Windows Phone
Thanks for the great service. I recently switched from Android to Windows Phone and would definitely be interested in the WP8 app!

by KATJL71710 on Nov 30, 2012
iOS app - Nice App
The updates the iOS appp are great. I know you can logout, but it would be nice to add a passcode option to the app. That way you can stay logged in, but have a simple passcode to see you accounts.

by Mcdonough25 on Dec 15, 2012
We Need the Windows Phone app
Come on, lets get a Windows Phone 8 app created, the mobile site is the pits. You have to refresh it when you want to use it. Load it up from a bookmark and it comes up FULL PAGE!!! You hit refresh, and the mobile site returns. I love this page, I have the Android app, having a Windows Phone app would be the best thing yet. I love my Nokia 920. I use it 90% of the time and would love an app instead of the flaky bookmark. Lucky I am with AT&T now and have 4G LTE, so hitting refresh to bring back the mobile site is pretty quick..
by Oditius.old.1403735490 on Jan 20, 2013
Offline feature on Android ETA
When will be released Android App with Offline feature ?
by vittoriop77 on May 25, 2013
Offline for Android
Please enable offline mode for Android app too, it is useless without this feature.
by metz on Jul 27, 2013
Android Offline?
Hello! hey it's 2014, Any update about the Offline feature for Android ???


by alxrlja on Jan 16, 2014



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