ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook Tutorial Help Section

11/5/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We have put up a new page in the Help section that will hold tutorials on how to use various aspects of Right now there's a tutorial on how to use the Jive feature to balance your accounts. The tutorial shows how to use your bank statement and ClearCheckbook to make sure all transactions are accounted for.

Special thanks to ClearCheckbooker cswroe for putting this tutorial together!

You can find the tutorial section here:

Comments for this post:

Cool video. Kudos to cswroe for taking the time to put together the tutorial. It should help keep the questions about 'jiving' to a minimum in the forums.
by anijhenry on Nov 6, 2009
cool tutorial cswroe. glad to see users are getting/being involved with clearcheckbook and actually offering their services to make this such a success. Thats exactly what im talking
about, how we're all in this together... as a community. Helping each other, as well as the team out.
RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS goes a long way! thanks cswroe. That tutorial should be the first thing ALL new users see once they sign up, so everyone knows what it is & how it works. I would think its still the #1 question any new user would have.
Kudos cswroe, Brandon & the entire clearcheckbook family!
by PHishHead on Nov 21, 2009



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