ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook V3 Launch Date: December 22nd

12/11/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
We're finally ready to set a firm date on when V3 will launch. The official launch of V3 will be Monday, December 22nd. We have been working very hard over the last few months developing the site and testing it over and over again.

Some of the new features that will be available at launch are:

  • Running Balances

  • Transaction Histories (ability to undo edited or deleted transactions)

  • Estimating future balances (based on your reminders)

  • Accounts dashboard to see every aspect of the site you want at a quick glance (with the option of setting the current Summary page as the default)

  • Much improved reporting tools (no more pie chart legends overlapping the chart, much nicer looking line and bar graphs, plus more)

  • Mass editing and deleting of transactions

  • Ability to add transactions from any page

  • Improved Credit Card functionality

  • Each account can have its own currency, plus the ability to set a global currency

  • Timezone settings

  • iPhone webapp now has every function the regular site does (aside from importing and exporting)

  • Ability to view the site in languages other than English

  • plus much more

We will have to take the site down for a few hours over the weekend of the 20th just before launch of V3 in order to update the database and server, but we'll post more about this when the time comes.

Thanks everyone for waiting patiently. I know the next version of the site is going to be even more helpful than the current version in helping you manage your money.

Comments for this post:

iPhone app?
Any idea when we'll see the native iPhone app? The current webapp is really good (and sounds like it will be even better in v3), but I'd prefer not to have to mess with Safari when I want to quickly enter a transaction or check my balances.
by tripletee on Dec 11, 2008
iPhone app
It's a little behind in development, so it won't make the V3 launch. It will be released at a later date.
by Brandon on Dec 11, 2008
Full support for WM6+?
How about fully supporting Windows Mobile 6+ phones? Regardless of which mobile OS one prefers, it seems to me that supporting the most prevalent one would be a smart business decision...
by sjw on Dec 14, 2008
@ "sjw" "Full Support for WM6?
No offense sjw, but if the maker of the website chooses not to make a native app for WM6 dont feel bad, see, its free, so really they're not worrying about "a smart business decision" Im sooo tired of people trying to force someone to make a program for an OS thats not advance...if your ever ready to move up to the next level, make sure to get an iPhone, its an experience that you'll never forget, and tell yourself 'why has no one thought of this before'. Trust me.. prevalent? have you seen the market share of the WM6 to Apple's iPhone OS? I have beta tested the new V3 and I must say im VERY impressed they out did themselves this time...
by eliseoperez05 on Dec 15, 2008
Will the option to archive transactions be available in V3?
by keirstinc on Dec 16, 2008
OS War?
Linux Rulz :-P
by jamesniem on Dec 16, 2008
My company has moved all of us to Blackberrys. Will the new version work with Blackberry. I have a Blackberry Bold which is a pretty new model and for some reason your site right now doesn't seem compatible. I look forward to the new version!!! You have a great site on your hands!
by skytrek on Dec 17, 2008
I love using ClearCheckbook!
Fabulous site... better than Microsoft Money and Quicken.

If I could add any feature, it would be a little box for the check number on the transaction page.

I read the reason why its not there and have easily adjusted by putting the check number immediately after the transaction.

It would be a "nice to have" but not a must have.

For those transactions where there is no check number... we'd just leave the box blank.

Either way... thanks for giving us such a great site.

Darryl :)
by edmonton99 on Dec 18, 2008
ditto Blackberry
The mobile site won't allow a log on through the Blackberry web browser. This would be a great feature and considering Apple still doesn't hold the majority of the market for smartphones, it would be beneficial to a lot of people. Thanks
by Cephalgia on Dec 18, 2008



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