ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook WebOS App in Top 200 and the Top Finance App.

4/21/2010 in ClearCheckbook News
The ClearCheckbook Money Management WebOS app is currently in the Top 200 most downloaded free apps since February 2010. We are also the top downloaded free personal finance app!

As of this posting, the ClearCheckbook Money Management app has received almost 17,000 downloads since it first launched in February. It's amazing to see such a good following for the app.

If you know anyone who has a Palm WebOS phone, let them know about the app!

Comments for this post:

Just think if you hsd an iphone app how many downloads there would be.
by lsufan861 on May 3, 2010
When will there be an iPhone app (and iPad)? WebOS's share of the market is negligible at best. Androids is bigger, but a fragmented mess. I don't understand (as a software developer) why a software developer would divert their focus from the single largest app marketplace to focus on other platforms.
by mpconnick on May 4, 2010
This is my most used WebOS app
Thank you clearcheck book......because of you we are now organized!

by thebarters on May 12, 2010
Availabilitry in Mexico
When I tried to download the App in Mexico Telcel, it says App it's not available in your country"

Why you don't make it availbale here?

As far a I understand the app does not need to be in spanish to make it avaliable here

example: The endgadget app, TweeFree, etc

by tlunaluna on May 25, 2010



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