ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Home Sweet Home...

2/28/2007 in ClearCheckbook News has finally found its new permanent home on a brand new server. Those of you who experienced all the problems during the last 24 hours will be glad to know that pretty much all of those issues have been resolved now (We're in the process of getting a new SSL Certificate so you won't be prompted to accept it each time you visit the site).

Why did we have to get a new server?
ClearCheckbook grew far faster than we had anticipated. While using a shared hosting plan was ideal at the time, we quickly outgrew our welcome as the site was drawing a lot of traffic.

Things finally got really heavy yesterday as we were featured on DumbLittleMan and our traffic shot out the roof again. Our host pulled the plug on us and said we're using way too much bandwidth and processor power for a shared hosting plan.

Without any warning we were suddenly without a website. We scrambled for a few hours to get everything moved to a temporary location while we made plans to upgrade to a permanent server.

After a few more bumps, the transition to our new server has been completed.

What's this mean for the site?
Well, this means great things for ClearCheckbook! Here are some of the things we can now do with the powerful new server:
  • SMS or AIM you reminders from the reminders system

  • Give you a lot more statistics in the reports

  • Improve load times across the entire site

  • Add greater functionality to Checkbot

  • Plus much more...

Stay tuned for updates and new features as we produce them.

What we're working on now:
The most pressing issue right now is the new SSL Certificate. This should be up and working within a day or two.

I want to extend a personal thanks for everyone for sticking through this rollercoaster. When we were planning the natural evolution of the site, we didn't account for such quick growth and were forced to act fast and update the servers in order to keep the site alive.

Thanks again everyone!
-Brandon O'Brien

Comments for this post:

First of all, the quality of the site is FANTASTIC! And above all, what you are providing is comparable, if not better, than the other paid services (IT'S FREE)!

Thank you for this excellent site, and keep up the good work =D

p.s. Don't lose too much sleep over this (wink)
by james.j.chou on Feb 28, 2007



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