ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Monthly Donation Goals

3/13/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
First off, I would like to say that I'm truly amazed at how many people donate to the site each month. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are helping make this site even better.

As you may know, running a site has several costs associated with it (servers, hosting, etc) and these costs start to add up quickly. In fact, this year alone we're spending around $3,600 to keep the site up and running.

In an effort to try and make the site self sustaining, we have put a small image at the bottom of every page that shows the percentage of our donation goal for the current month.

Please remember though, even if we don't receive any donations, the site will continue to be funded out of my own checkbook. While I have no problem with this, it is nice to be able to have some of that cost taken care of by the site itself.

Thanks again for everyone who has donated to the site!

Comments for this post:

Recurring donation option?
I like the graph. Have ever thought about using on the "Subscriptions and Recurring Payments" option of your Paypal account?

I, personally, wouldn't be averse to sending some money your way every month, even if others don't. This site saves me a lot of time and is worth it. Not having to remember to visit the donation page on a regular basis, though, would be even better.
by jakekrohn on Mar 13, 2008
I second the first post
I wouldnt mind sending some money your way too, though(Im broke for now lol) but this helps me keep track of my spending and is alot more clear cut and just great then anything else I have used so far.
by stutterfly on Mar 16, 2008
I once used mvelopes but have now switched to clearcheckbooks. They charge a monthly fee and would rather pay a little something here.
by Euan.old.1347661898 on Mar 18, 2008
What is the Monthly Goal?
I see the green bar chugging up, but I am curious as to what the goal is each month--did I miss where this is mentioned? The "Stats" shown to my right indicate over 17,100 people using the site--I'm new, but I can readily see why it is so popular!
by jamesniem on Mar 18, 2008
My guess
I assume that the monthly goal will change each month. This month, it appears that the goal is $300 (Spolier: The bar is served through a PHP image script by using a variable "v". Change the value of "v" and you change the length of the green bar.)
by tastypopsicle on Mar 18, 2008
Monthly goal
You're correct, the goal for this month is $300. I mentioned in the blog post that for this year, the cost to run the site is around $3,600... divide that by 12 and what do you get? 300.

Like I said, I'm only looking to cover the costs of the site with the donations. They may change by a little bit each month, but $300 will probably be about the average. So far this month it looks like we should have no problem reaching this goal.

Thanks to everyone who donates!
by Brandon on Mar 18, 2008
future of clearcheckbook
do you ever see this site supporting you? (and/or a small staff?) you seem to have lots of users, lots of upcoming work in the form of bugs and enhancement requests. and you have have a robust set of useful tools such as checkbot and sms entry that sets you apart from any of the other online check registers that charge a monthly fee!! if so, let me know - I'm a java/integrations developer who's unhappy in a large corporation and think you have a great thing going here . . .
by caprater on Mar 26, 2008
I just recently joined after losing my desktop financial software in a motherboard accident. I tried several of the free online packages, and this is definitely the easiest and most thorough. I don't have a problem at all donating, but I'm wondering, based on the number of users, what a suggested monthly donation should be. Thank you.
by waltb on Apr 1, 2008
Donation Amount
If you would like to donate monthly, I would say a fair amount would be between 3-5 dollars per month.
by Brandon on Apr 2, 2008
Donations & new to this
Well, just like the others. I just started today. It is extremely easy to jot the information & it calculates the amounts WONDERFULLY. I would like to donate as well monthly to help you with the website to continue. I really needed something like this.

Please let me know where I can send it and truly how much would it be. Yes, we all are poor in here. LOL but this is truely great.

by c21celia on May 2, 2008
I use a website that has a section for premium users for usd3 per month. If you won't like to make it a subscription, at least create a recurrent donation option that automatically debit our credit card, with all those users even 1usd per month will mean a lot to add resources and continue the development. I like the simplicity of the site. Have you thought about currency per acct, and the chance to add an exchange rate with date?, my total balance is unreal, so I will have to convert one of my accts to a dummy amount to have them all in one currency, and have a more realistic finall balance. Thanks for the excellent job.
by calmontes on May 3, 2008
Any chance of adding moneybookers so everyone can donate clearcheckbook? I cannot donate. I am from Pakistan and I am willing to donate to clearcheckbook.
by isharis on May 31, 2008



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