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Seeking iPhone / iPad Developer

4/17/2010 in ClearCheckbook News
We're looking to hire an iPhone / iPad developer to finish the ClearCheckbook mobile app. We've made some progress (thanks to a few CCB members), but we really need to get this completed sooner rather than later.

The ideal candidate is someone who has a good working knowledge of Objective-C and has successfully created a few apps that are live in the App store.

The iPhone app will need to mimic the functionality that currently exists for the WebOS and Android apps. You can check out those screenshots and features by clicking on the respective links at the bottom of the page.

We have our API documented and working with both the WebOS and Android apps. It uses the RESTful style to perform various actions.

It took me about 60-70 hours to code, debug and launch the WebOS app to where it is right now. That included writing the API and learning the WebOS language. I'm assuming it shouldn't take very much longer for someone who knows their way around Objective-C to complete the project.

We will pay $40/hr (assuming development time of around 75 hours) for completion of the iPhone app. This price is negotiable. The iPad app development cost will probably fall under the $40/hr mark as well.

Please send an email to brandon at clearcheckbook dot com if you're interested. Serious inquiries only.

Every ClearCheckbook iPhone user and myself thank you in advance.

Comments for this post:

What about partnering with an existing app?
Brandon, when I was looking for a native iPhone app for quick entry while waiting on a CCB app, I stumbled across the iReconcile app, which has proven to be a phenomenal app for the iPhone, but which I can't even think of replacing CCB with, because it has virtually no desktop Web tools at all (no reports, no budget status, nothing but a list of accounts with transactions).

It's crossed my mind several times that if the iReconcile app used the CCB API, we'd have (in my opinion) both the best iPhone app and the best Web interface of any product like this that I've come across. I have no connection to the iReconcile people, but given that they need a Web UI and you need an iPhone app... perhaps the circumstances are favorable for working out some kind of deal? Seems to me that CCB + iReconcile would be a very hard product for anyone to match.

Just a random suggestion from the peanut gallery. Good luck!
by harvarddem on Apr 17, 2010
Thank god!
The previous poster makes valid points. I don't care how it gets done, I'm just anxious for the iPhone app AND iPad app! I began to lose hope.

I will forward this to the devs I know. Best of luck finishing the project, Brandon.

by ClevelandRob on Apr 19, 2010
Looks like no iPhone or iPad in the near future. You made it seem like an app was already in the process. It's just crazy how quickly an android and web OS app was made. Good luck!
by lsufan861 on Apr 28, 2010
No Worries.
I'm with ClearCheckBook until the end. Which is see no where in sight. I wish I knew how to code, but i'm still going to college to learn how to, or I'd be on that app like white on rice. Good luck!
by waynoworlater on May 1, 2010



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