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Tip: How to use the Jive page

1/10/2007 in ClearCheckbook News
The Jive page is a very helpful tool for you to keep track of your money and check all of your purchases with what your bank is saying you made. This is basically the Web 2.0 equivalent of the century old checkbook balancing tool.

When you load up the Jive page you will see all your accounts listed at the top of the page. You can click the check mark next to the specific accounts you wish to display. For example, I have a checking account with Bank of America. I regularly make purchases with my debit card and check my Bank of America account online.

So if I wanted to check and see if my purchases match up with what Bank of America says I've made, I log into my Bank of America site and click on the checking account. I view the list of purchases and deposits and then go back to my Jive page on ClearCheckbook and select each entry. This lets me see if there are any entries in my account that I did not make.

A great example of how this is useful is something that happened to me recently. I was traveling and flew into the Chicago Ohare airport and bought some pizza at one of the vendors for lunch. I was charged the 6 bucks or whatever the day after I made the purchase. A month later another charge for the same amount was made from the same pizza place at the airport. Since that withdrawal wasn't in my ClearCheckbook jive page I knew something was wrong. I contacted the bank and told them the story and had them credit my account back. They did and everything was fine. Without jiving my account I probably never would have found this and lost 6 bucks.

After you jive all the entries your bank account lists, there is a total at the top of the page that says "Jived:" and some amount. This amount should match what your current balance is on your banks website. If things don't match up, you know something is wrong and can do some detective work to figure out what that is.

So in short, the Jive page is there for you to check with your bank statement and make sure all your withdrawals and deposits are accounted for and no one has messed up and charged extra purchases to your account.

If you have a story about how you use the jive page or how it helped you find an error in your bank statement, post about it here in the comments!

Comments for this post:

About jiving

I'm still confused about jiving. Every time I view the jive page the 'jived' amout is always 0; why? What do you compare the balance with to obtain a 'jived' amount?

I've got to say that Clearcheckbook is great. Keep up the good work.

by jaguar on Jan 11, 2007

Have you clicked the checkmark next to any of the entries? As soon as you do this the Jived amount will update. The Jived number is a total of all the entries that have been checked and marked as "jived." These entries will have a little green checkmark next to them.

If this isn't working for you, use the Contact Us form to let us know.

by Brandon on Jan 11, 2007
Got it

Now I understand.


by jaguar on Jan 13, 2007
saved me
the jive feature saved me this past summer when a little mexican resteraunt in arlington va charged me 45$ instead of 7$

it caused my checking account to overdraft and because i caught it right away and was able to identify the source easily, within a week they had credited my account the difference PLUS my overdraft fees!

how nice :)
by jchechile on Jan 26, 2007
Jived Total Solved :)
I just wrote a big long question on how to see a jived or unjived total for just my credit card account and then figured it out before hitting send! This is sweet!

Quick recap for others: On the summary page, go to View Options: and click jived (or unjived) and then in the dropdown select your account. The balance up top updates to the jived or unjived amount. Or on the summary page with Option All just change the account and you get the total and jived amounts for just that account!

I think it'd be a neat option/feature to have a little plus icon in the Account Overviews next to balance that adds a couple columns so you can see at a glance each account's jived/unjived amounts.
by andrewteg on Feb 6, 2008
how to get back to the register after you jive something that wasn't jived before???
Help. I asked the program to show me unjived transactions. I only had one. When I clicked to go back to register, it doesn't go. How do I get out of the unjived section?? I'm very pressed for time and this is really frustrating me. Thanks.
by IMSbooks on Oct 29, 2022



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