ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Update about restoring transactions

7/8/2015 in ClearCheckbook News
We're finishing up some updates that will restore everyone's transactions without having to click the restore button. This will also fix any issues that some people are having where it looks like a subset of your transactions is still missing even after clicking the restore button. These updates will be pushed out by the end of the day today.

Again, we're sorry we can't respond to every email coming in. If you're concerned that all of your data is lost, it isn't. This confusion will be resolved after we make the above updates live.

Comments for this post:

Updates about restoring transactions - new transactions
How is this going to impact transactions that I have entered in the last several days since this all started? I was missing transactions from mid-May 2015 to the first of July. I have entered transactions since the first of July. Will I lose them with this new update?

FWIW - your efforts are appreciated and I have to say the automatic backups to my Google Drive have made the premium membership fee worth every penney. I heartily recommend people buy this cheap insurance.
by gchamberlin on Jul 8, 2015
empty promises
been using this for years and now everything is gone. they are causing chaos to force the premium membership on us. sad that some of us get screwed because of these people's greed. tried the restore and nothing happend. all my data in all my accounts is gone.
by thefattexan on Jul 8, 2015
missing transactions ,messed up balance
all the issues your site had at the beginning of the month still have me missing transactions and have messed up my current balance versus what my bank shows,what can i do????
by kellygirl on Jul 15, 2015



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