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We pulled the ClearCheckbook app from Apple app store

9/25/2015 in ClearCheckbook News
The ios9 update crippled the app and made it completely unusable so we pulled the app from the store while we get it rebuilt. In the meantime, you can use the mobile optimized site by visiting from safari.

Comments for this post:

Clear checkbook app
Thanks for posting this. I was wondering why the app did not come over when I set up my iPhone 6s from my iTunes backup. Please get it back on the App Store ASAP.
by avery1 on Sep 26, 2015
When do you think it will be back to Apple App Store?
You are badly missed! I just switch to iPhone 6s and cannot find your app!
by bbd_and_x on Sep 27, 2015
new ios app features
being forced to use safari to access has made me realize how much better the web version is over the old app. for one the web version requires less typing as it remembers past transactions history and auto populates the "Description:" field as well as the "account:" and "Category:" which the ios app never did. would really be nice if the new app is built with those features!
by jvanni26 on Sep 30, 2015
waiting for the new
I am patiently waiting for the new app.... please send an email out when it's ready.
by Vcabassa1 on Sep 30, 2015
What jvanni26 said, for Android
I also prefer the web version to the app, including the mobile optimized one, because it's true that it's more user friendly than the app, and I'm talking about the Android app. One thing that makes the web version better is that when you type "Hann" into the description field, the web version prompts you with "Hannaford Supermarket" and autopopulates the field when you select the suggestion from the list of prompts. But the truly best part is that it remembers that transactions at Hannaford Supermarket belong to the Category "Groceries" and it automatically Fills. That. Field. Right. In. That's awesome and saves the user the annoyance of having to scroll through the entire Category menu. Now, if you could make the Android and iOS apps behave the same way, we'd have awesomeness parity.
by nisperos on Oct 2, 2015
Any news on when it will hopefully return to the app to the App Store??
by SingingAngel713 on Oct 7, 2015
App improve
Similar to above - must have autocomplete AND when typing in monetary amounts - please bring up the numeric pad keyboard and not the text keyboard - then switch to the text when entering descriptions
My advice look at the other apps out there as most of us have already done and you some of those best features
by winterwasp on Oct 8, 2015
Reward The Loyal Iphone users
I am a loyal iphone user and feel like you should reward us with a promo code of something for the app going down and us not switching to another app. I know we can use the web version and it will work just fine but i can also use hundreds of other apps out there as well and they work great as well.
by Dre2068 on Oct 10, 2015
I've used the windows phone, iPhone and android apps as well as the website. Must say the android app is the best app, but the website beats them all. Windows phone app is horrible.
by pduncan1963 on Oct 17, 2015
Do you have an ETA on when the new app will be ready?
by lucylove on Oct 19, 2015
ETA when the iphone app will be available?!?!?
I had a Samsung S4 when I started using Clear Checkbook. This app was the best I have ever bought. I loved it and I just renewed for another year. Yesterday I got a new iPhone 6s and then learned there is no current app for Clear Check book. I'm really disappointed... I need my Clear Checkbook. Could you please let me know when you expect the app to be available?? Thank you!!
by JeffreyFamily on Oct 21, 2015
Fix your app...
Seriously, just about a month down. Get your stuff together.
by tommartinello on Oct 22, 2015
I don't mind the wait as long as we can get some sort of update. If you aren't going to fix the IOS version just tell us so we can find an alternative. The lack of an update is the only issue I have.
by pyegrab on Oct 23, 2015
Can we please get some kind of update on where you are on the app?
by jstauffer on Oct 29, 2015
just expressing my interest in a new IOS solution as well ...and for a status update.
by Braddock on Oct 29, 2015
Hello? Update?
More than a month with the app pulled and no update. Please give us an update. When will you have the app back in the App Store? If you don't know, say so.
by avery1 on Oct 30, 2015
Calm Down
Why must you people be so rude!!!! They pulled the app to rebuild it and stated it had to be out sourced, It does not happen over night. Maybe if this site did not offer us free/cheap price for a great service they could afford to have a full staff of developers and support on staff like some of the other BIG companies. Why don't you get MAD at APPLE for them screwing up the app not the staff here.
by jamesodom on Nov 2, 2015
Mobile link for iOS users

As much as I originally was mad that my app stopped working, I wasn't able to find a replacement solution so I decided to just be patient and wait for the new app. I hope they took the opportunity to add some enhancements to it since it had to be redone anyway.
by focusST10 on Nov 16, 2015
quit crying
I wonder how many of you complainers are not paying users?

I havnt paid and use the service free of charge. I will never complain, and even if I did I would be glad the company is making an effort to make the app work properly.

settle down people.
by dlebeouf on Nov 19, 2015
As a paying customer
I agree waiting isn't a huge issue but as a paying customer a little more communication would be nice.
by jstauffer on Nov 28, 2015
iphone update
It's now February... is there an update on the iphone app?
by on Feb 3, 2016
Not being able to enter on the go is not working...
I need to be able to quickly enter transactions while on the go from my phone. What is going on with the app?
by jreaton on Feb 23, 2016
iOS app
I am a paying customer and I dont like to complain but yes I do miss having a iOS app.
by dweitzmon on Mar 7, 2016



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