ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
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We're looking for testimonials

4/10/2010 in ClearCheckbook News
We're looking to build up a little section filled with testimonials about how the site has helped you out. We're looking for all ranges of testimonials, so whether the site has simply helped you get a better idea of your spending or if you no longer bounce checks or anything in between, we would like to know.

If you want to send us a testimonial, use the "Contact Us" form at the bottom right side of the page and send us a 1-3 sentence testimonial as well as your first name and city/state.

Thanks in advance!

Comments for this post:

happy thought
I gave up trying to find a check register machine. They don't exist. Now I found you by accident. I am super happy. Now I can rely on my notes reliably not to forget a payment. Thanks so much for being.
by supersun on Apr 13, 2010
Maybe later....
Hi all,
I'm a (satisfied) premium user of CCB but I could be a testimonial only when it will be released the along waited app for Iphone...

Best regards,

by gelmimau on Apr 15, 2010
Clearcheckbook is an incredible tool, both on PCs and via mobile applications. It allows me to identify true value of my worth on a real time basis. It is incredibly easy and intuitive to use, and i'd be lost without it.

by budaki on Apr 15, 2010
Exactly what I needed
I am very satisfied with Clearcheckbook. The webOS allows me to keep track of my finances anywhere I go. I love the way the application automatically syncs between my phone and the web. I always have an update to date picture of my finances.

by Sistasoldier on Apr 23, 2010
Testimonial has been super helpful to our family! We worked diligently to get out of debt a few years ago and we did it with hard work and clear communication. We have found that has allowed us to communicate effectively as a husband and wife team working to manage finances for our family! Thanks for the amazing tools!
by AtchleyCheckbook on May 19, 2010
Best Free Financial application on the web!
I research online reviews and recommendations for 2 weeks, tried out 6 different budgeting sites before deciding on ClearCheckBook. The initial interest to CleaCheckBook was security and the ability to import statements as well as set up my own budget. They are a truly free website with many versatile tools for the regular user.

Chau Le
Sugarland, TX
by kdphiuh on Aug 15, 2010



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