ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook iOS app beta update

7/25/2016 in ClearCheckbook Updates
I just wanted to give everyone an update on the beta testing stage of the new iOS app. In the last week and a half since we launched testing, we've received a lot of great feedback and have already issued two new updates in that time. The UI side of the app is pretty much complete and we've got a couple more issues to fix but those should be done within the next 7 days. After we finish this list of issues we'll release one or two more updates for a final round of testing.

The issues we have to work on are some long loading times on initial login or app re-launch, a few crashes with editing reminders and budgets and some other small bugs that shouldn't take long to fix.

Thanks again to everyone who's been helping us out with the testing and providing us with valuable feedback.

We'll have another announcement about a launch date after we're done fixing this last round of issues.

Comments for this post:

iPhone App
Great, thanks for the update Brandon!!
by RKDan on Jul 25, 2016
hopefull that android app update will come soonish after iOS update
I understand why you guys would want to focus on iOS first but, man, I'm really hoping you some up with a similar update to Android soon as well.
by Gander5908 on Jul 29, 2016



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