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ClearCheckbook Premium Groups has launched!

8/24/2011 in ClearCheckbook Updates
We're proud to announce the launch of our ClearCheckbook Premium Groups feature. Premium Groups was created with families, groups and other organizations in mind. The group owner can easily manage all group member accounts, but none of the group members can access any information other than their own. Plus, the group owner and all group members get full access to all premium membership features!

When you sign up for Premium Groups, you become the "Group Owner". The group owner has the ability to incorporate existing user accounts or create new user accounts that they can directly log into and manage. The group owner can easily log into any of the group member accounts to run reports, view transactions, look at budgets, and anything else they can do to their own account. They can also limit the accounts and categories all group members have access to.

Premium Groups is a great way for one person to be able to manage several ClearCheckbook user accounts without having to remember a bunch of usernames/passwords.

We have been testing this feature with several different groups and families, including money management caregivers who help manage the checkbooks of several people at one time. This feature is a must-have for anyone who would like to manage multiple user accounts from one place with the added benefit of all the accounts having the premium membership.

All memberships are yearly and are priced according to how many group members you wish to have. You can learn more about the group membership by clicking here:

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