ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Estimated Future Balances Updated

4/25/2011 in ClearCheckbook Updates
We have updated the Estimated Future Balances tool so it now shows a true list of future transactions and a running future balance next to them. This should make the tool much more user friendly now and make finding your future balance for a given date in the future much easier.

We have updated the main site and the mobile optimized site with the updates. We have a few more updates planned for this tool, but wanted to get this launched, as many people have been requesting this lately.

Give it a look and let us know what you think!

Comments for this post:

Where are the Bills?
I don't see my Bills that I entered in the Bill Tracker showing up in the Estimated Future Balances. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
by Ericatunc on Apr 26, 2011
Re: Where are the Bills?
Ok, got it. I didn't realize that I had to do both, enter a Bill in the Bill Tracker and then also add a recurring transaction for that bill. I'm new to the bill tracker, but doesn't that seem redundant?

Anyway, the estimated balance looks FANTASTIC! Just what I've been waiting for.


by Ericatunc on Apr 26, 2011
Bill Tracker
Hey Eric,

That's one thing we will try to do a better job of in the future. I've been explaining it to people in emails but should probably make it more apparent on the site.

The Reminders and Bill Tracker tool are both separate entities that can be used completely independent of each other or they can be combined and used together.

Some people simply want to view a history of all their bill payments and don't care about it auto-posting their transactions or reminding them. So those people simply use the bill tracker to pay their bills each month.

The other group of people want to take advantage of the future balances or want to be reminded of upcoming bills, so we integrated the two slightly so you could assign a bill to a reminder. That way, you can edit your bill amounts in the bill tracker, and when the reminder posts, it uses that amount and updates the bill tracker history appropriately.

Sorry for the initial confusion.
by SiliconTrance on Apr 26, 2011
Inadequate x and y labels
The labels on both the x and y axis are inadequate.

The Y axis shows 2numbers for me (1501, 2326), this makes it difficult to tell how much monye i have on a given data. The x axis only has the start and end dates, again this makes it difficult to see what date a specific point on the line is.

I bring these points up because the lowest point in my running balance is 675.94, since the first labee on the y axis is 1501, you wouls expect the lowest point on my line to be less than half way to the 1501 label. This is not the case, the lowewt point in the line is 55% of the way to the 1501 label.

It would also be nice to be able to mouse over a point in the line and see the amount and/or date of that point on the line.

Better resolution of the labels would be fine though.

Kepe up the good work!
by momar33 on Apr 28, 2011
THANK YOU, but . . .
This is a great feature, but what I would REALLY love to see is an option to integrate it into the register. Unposted reminders could be colored gray until they are posted from a button in the register. Ability to select Estimate Future Balances for 0-180 days on the register would save from having to go back and forth between Reminders/Register/Future Balances.

I currently go through and pre-post the next 30-60 days of reminders into the register for forecasting purposes, then finalize/post when they're jived.
by Bugbee on May 22, 2012



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