ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook Welcomes 2017!

1/1/2017 in ClearCheckbook News
The start of a new year always brings a renewed interest in keeping your finances under control. At ClearCheckbook we want to make this as easy for you as possible. To help make our Jiving (balancing / reconciling) process much easier to understand for beginners, we made a dedicated tutorial page that has a video tutorial as well as a guided written walkthrough and some troubleshooting FAQ's. This tutorial can be found here:

This time of year can also lead to some headaches when it comes to adding transactions. When you're adding a transaction, be very aware of which year you're adding it for. If you add some transactions for early 2017 and then go back to add some from December 2016, make sure the year is switched to 2016. Also, the opposite is true. If you're adding transactions from late last year and then want to add a transaction for January 2017, make sure the year is correct. If it's not correct, the transaction will be added as January 2016 and you won't see it at the top of your transaction list (since it'll be with all of the year old transactions).

2016 saw a lot of behind-the-scenes work plus some new features and a revamped iOS app. Plans for 2017 include a new Android app as well as a lot of enhancements to ClearCheckbook as a whole.

We've been very pleased with the continued growth of the site. You can help us even more though by spreading the word of ClearCheckbook to any friends or family members who might be looking to get a better grasp on their finances for the new year.

Thanks and happy new year!

- The ClearCheckbook Team

Comments for this post:

Great Job!
Great job and keep up the great work!
by efiannaca on Jan 1, 2017
Happy New Year
Excited bout ReVamped Android App....I know you've had an outside programmer/developer (?) working on it for a while now. I always tell friends, even strangers/new acquaintences about this awesome tool....primarily due to the security of this site....the fact that a stranger can stare at your CCB all day & not be able to do a darn thing physically in real time to any of your financial accts.
Thanks for your continued awesomeness goes out to Admin. & entire CCB team.
by PHishHead on Jan 5, 2017
Thank you
I want to put this out there that this tool is saving my marriage. Really, it is. I made stupid mistakes with money in the past, but with this tool everything is on the up and up. We are using a lot of Dave Ramsey's plan with this app to make sure every dollar is budgeted for. I created additional accounts on CCB to resemble cash envelopes. My checking account is 2% interest so I actually dumped some of my savings accounts into my checking to earn the better percentage. With CCB I keep track of what I have in "savings" in my checking account. Just a really great tool.
by engle1475 on Jan 11, 2017
I am unable to find a way to see my budget as the year progresses with the budgeted amount versus actuals for month and year to date. This is a very practical tool that allows an overall view rather than just a month to month view. Am I missing how to see in in the system?
by jdespain on Jan 18, 2017



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