ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
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ClearCheckbook Tutorial Help Section

11/5/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We have put up a new page in the Help section that will hold tutorials on how to use various aspects of Right now there's a tutorial on how to use the Jive feature to balance your accounts. The tutorial shows how to use your bank statement and ClearCheckbook to make sure all transactions are accounted for.

Special thanks to ClearCheckbooker cswroe for putting this tutorial together!

You can find the tutorial section here:

ClearCheckbook Developer API Announcement

10/20/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We're officially announcing the development of the ClearCheckbook API. The ClearCheckbook API will give developers the opportunity to create gadgets, widgets and other applications that interface with ClearCheckbook.

We hope to have a beta version of the API released in the next week or two and are looking for any interested developers to sign up so we can work on testing out the API.

If you're a developer or have experience working with APIs and would like to try out the ClearCheckbook API, please go to our ClearCheckbook Developers page and sign up.

We have also created a forum where developers can talk and discuss the API and potential projects. You can find that on our Forums page.

We look forward to the upcoming possibilities the API will produce!

System wide performance upgrades in progress!

10/17/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We're currently working on some system wide performance upgrades. We released some last night and will continue to push out new updates over the next couple of days. If we do our job right, the only changes you should notice are some speed increases.

Even though we don't expect any, if you notice any bugs or weird things happening during this time, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom right side of every page and let us know.

We need your feedback and help!

10/12/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
We are currently in the planning stages to build some more debt management/forecasting tools into ClearCheckbook. We would like to know how you currently handle managing/paying/forecasting any current debt you have (Credit cards, student loans, mortgage, etc).

We're simply curious to find out how you currently do it so we can use some of these ideas to build a tool for ClearCheckbook. If you can take a few minutes to contact us and let us know, your help would be greatly appreciated!

You can contact us by hitting the Contact Us link at the bottom right side of the page.


ClearCheckbook is now my full-time job

9/21/2009 in ClearCheckbook News
I have officially quit my previous full-time job in an effort to devote all my time into making ClearCheckbook the best money management site available. The first things on my agenda are:
* a visual refresh to the site
* making the site more user friendly (better documentation, more "obvious" ways to do things, etc)
* making the home page more visually appealing and informative
* better budgeting tools
* mobile apps

Now is the time to start submitting and voting on new features for the site. You can do that here:

I'm really looking forward to putting all my effort into the site and hope that everyone will see some great additions and improvements over the upcoming weeks and months.



For minor updates and bug fixes, check out our Site Updates in the Support Forums.