ClearCheckbook Money Management
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A few bug fixes (reports and editing transactions)

10/7/2009 in ClearCheckbook Updates
An issue with reports not displaying in Internet Explorer 8 should now be fixed. If you are still experiencing any issues with the reports not showing up, please let us know in the comments for this post or by sending us an email using the Contact Us form at the bottom right side of the page.

Also, an issue with editing transactions has been fixed. The bug revolved around a conflict if you tried to edit a transaction after you had the Add Transaction form loaded. Thanks to ClearCheckbook user 'jessethouin' for figuring this out!

Change to the way you edit transactions

9/30/2009 in ClearCheckbook Updates
Editing transactions now takes place without the use of the long loading pop up box. When you click on a transaction to edit it, the edit form will appear directly under the transaction. This should increase load times and make things smoother.

If you edit multiple transactions at once, the edit form will appear at the bottom of the transaction list (above the Edit button). gets a facelift!

9/24/2009 in ClearCheckbook Updates
As the first step in making ClearCheckbook more user friendly and easier to use, I have released a new visual layout and color scheme to the site. The home page now features a slideshow of some of the most important aspects of the site and makes it easier to sign up for ClearCheckbook and easier for existing users to log in.

The next thing to get an overhaul will be the way the site is laid out once you're logged in. I want to make it easier for everyone to figure out how to use the site and to be able to fully grasp all the tools ClearCheckbook has to offer.

Let us know what you think of the updated colors in the comments below!

A Plethora of Improvements and Updates

9/18/2009 in ClearCheckbook Updates
In what will soon become a very long list of updates and new features and refreshes to the site, I'm proud to announce several new upgrades and features that have just been released.

You can now add sub categories for better tracking of your spending habits. All sub categories will be rolled into the overall category for reporting purposes, but will also be broken down so you can view spending in the individual sub categories. The same is the case for pie charts and spending limits.

To add a sub category, simply go to the Settings->Categories page and add a new category name and select the Parent category from a drop down list.

Currency Conversions:
All balances can now be converted to your global currency with the Currency Conversion tool. You can access this as a dashboard gadget or through the Settings->Currency Conversions page.

If you have more than one currency set up, you will have the ability of entering a conversion rate for your secondary currencies. We will be using this rate to convert all balances to the global currency (set in your Settings->Account page). Individual transactions will not be converted, just overall balances.

Updated Reports:
The reports area has been cleaned up and made more usable by splitting Account and Category reports into separate tabs. You can now view all of your Account information on one page and all your Category information on a different page.

The reports have also been updated to reflect the new sub-categories feature. All parent categories are reported with the sub-categories rolled into them. In the Line/Bar reports, you can scroll down and see your parent and sub-category totals broken down. The Pie charts show the parent and sub-categories rolled into one total, but you can select to view the breakdown of sub categories via a drop down menu. This way you can compare individual sub-categories with each other.

Minor Updates:
- Currencies sorted with "most used" currencies at the top
- Check # / Memo / Payee field added to Recurring Transactions
- Fixed some CSV importing issues for fields listed with parenthesis and quotation marks
- Finally fixed (hopefully once and for all) the iGoogle gadget and GoogleTalk Checkbot

There will be more announcements on Monday. I can't say anything right now, but it involves a lot more time and resources being devoted to ClearCheckbook.

ClearCheckbook Server is Finally Upgraded!

7/30/2009 in ClearCheckbook Updates
We are finally back up and running on our main server. Our main server has been upgraded to 12 GB of ram and dual 1.5 TB hard drives. It has also been moved to a new hosting facility that offers more bandwidth than our previous one.

Sorry to all of those who experienced the SSL issues during this transition. Everything should be resolved now and you should hopefully notice an improvement in load times for the site.

The only known bug that might have occurred is some of the reminders may not have been run while on the temporary server. If you had a recurring transaction set to hit between July 25 and July 30, I would suggest double checking to make sure the transaction was posted to your account.



For minor updates and bug fixes, check out our Site Updates in the Support Forums.