ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
ClearCheckbook Knowledge Base

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Login, Email and Password Settings

You can update your username, email address and password from the login settings page.

You can find the Email and Password settings by clicking on Settings at the top right side of the page, then click on Email and Password under the Manage Your: header.

Updating your Username and Email Address

You can change your username, email address and alternate email address from this page.

Email and Password Settings - Username and Email form
Sample Username and Email Form

The Alternate Email Address is a secondary email address you can add to your login. Any emails sent from the Reminders and Recurring Transactions tool will go to this email address.

You can update your username as long as the username you choose isn't already being used by another ClearCheckbook member.

Changing your Password

You can change your password by entering your existing password in the Current Password field and then enter the new password in both the New Password and Repeat New Password fields.

Email and Password Settings - Update Password form
Sample Update Password Form
The current password you enter must match your current password and the two new passwords must be exact matches. If either one of those conditions fails, then you will receive an error.